Entries by KnowYourRightsNigeria

Am I not protected against discrimination as a child born out of wedlock and what about the Osu caste?

Section 42(2) of the 199 Constitution further provides that: No citizen of Nigeria shall be subjected to any disabilities or deprivation merely by reason of the circumstances of birth. With the above provision, children born out of wedlock are treated as legitimate for purposes inheritance if acknowledge as children by the putative father.[1] This provision […]

My right to freedom of movement (Introduction)

Introduction Moving from one place to another is an important feature of man. Citizens of Nigeria have the freedom of movement, residence within Nigeria. You also have the right to leave your country and return to the same country. Nigeria. Section 41(1) of the 1999 Constitution provides:   Every citizen of Nigeria is entitled to […]

My right as a Nigerian to move freely across Nigeria

As a Nigerian, your right to travel across the thirty-six states of the country including the Federal Capital Territory is guaranteed. This right gives you the freedom of physical movement from one part of Nigeria to another by modes of accepted transportation. This right cannot be taken away from you except in ways permitted by […]

Driving offences and penalties in Nigeria

Since one of the means of enjoying to right to freedom of movement is transportation, the most popular means of transportation in Nigeria by road. However, you need to know what can constitute an offence while driving in Nigeria and the penalties the followed. They are provided below. Offences & Penalties S/NO TICK INFRINGEMENT (S) […]

My right not to be expelled from Nigeria

If you are a citizen of Nigeria, you have an absolute right not to be expelled from Nigeria. As a citizen of Nigeria, you cannot be denied of this important right. About three decades ago, a particular citizen was expelled from Nigeria but the court held that the authority lacked the power to expel any […]

Can I be refused exit from Nigeria

This right simply means the right to travel outside Nigeria. Before a Nigerian will travel outside the country, it is mandatory that he/she posses a valid international passport issued by the government of Nigeria. The implication is that every Nigeria citizen has the right to own a passport. However, you must meet up with certain […]

When can my passport be withdrawn?

Despite that your passport is an integral aspect of your fundamental right to movement, it can be withdrawn from you as provided under the Passport (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act[1] on the following grounds if: The passport is obtained by fraud; The passport has expired; A person unlawfully holds more than one passport at the same time; […]